Social Media: Building a strong connection with subscribers

It is no longer news that social media marketing is the most effective form of digital marketing right now. We see brands take advantage of this ‘Goldmine’ every day, some more than others.

Consumers are overwhelmed with an enormous amount of information every day and this initiates a filtration process where consumers attempt to make things less complicated by sticking to a few trusted or ‘preferred’ brands for content (just as we have few friends in real life).

In establishing your brand on social media, you’ll need to create a strong connection with your subscribers. The aim is to be the ‘go-to guy’ they call when they need ‘assistance’; it’s called branding.

Follow these guidelines to make your brand an authority in your niche by connecting with subscribers on a deep level.

Make them a part of the process

The primary objective of social media marketing is to keep your subscribers actively engaged. What better way to achieve this than by making them a part of the content generation process. This way, you reduce your workload by ‘outsourcing’ some part of your content generation and more importantly, you give your fans a sense of purpose and partnership.

Also, by making customers a part of the process, you’ll be forced to listen to them. This will let you know how they think and what their needs are.

Come off as a Professional

As much as you want to connect with subscribers, you must remember that you are a brand first so you must first earn their trust by posting genuine and unique content (Something they can’t get elsewhere). When people perceive your brand as the ‘real deal’ your social value increases in their eyes and they want to associate with you.

Being professional begins with: your profile description, the quality of your images, and the quality of content you post. Everyone wants to identify with something mind-blowing, so, you must make your brand mind-blowing if you want to connect with people.

Be genuine in your interests

The need to connect with your fans must be genuine or else they’ll spot you from a mile away and any chance of earning their trust is lost.

You want to put a face on that brand because no one likes to deal with a robot, they’re boring. So ensure that you can relate with your subscribers on a personal level. Use terms they are familiar with and don’t just tell them about your products, show them! That’s why videos are so awesome ass people can see what you’re talking about.

Reward your customers

Nothing wins a friend faster than a gift. It’s basic psychology. A simple gift will go a long way in keeping your customers loyal. It doesn’t even have to be monetary, sometimes acknowledgment is all you need to make someone feel special, appreciated and committed to your brand.


It’s not rocket science to connect with customers. In social media marketing, being social will take you a long way with your subscribers.

The sooner you realize that the people interacting with your brand have human needs like a sense of connection and purpose, the more effective your social media marketing will be.

Jason Ruth

My team and I are constantly searching for more ways to help others make money on the side. Our mission is to search for the most effective and reliable opportunities. Then, we take it one step further and show you how to make that part-time income replace your current job.

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