10 Side Hustles for Seniors

Today, we’re going to talk about the top 10 side hustles for senior citizens.

I always said that I would never retire.

Now, that doesn’t mean I will keep doing the work I have always done, but I will keep my entrepreneurial mindset and continue making “side cash” to help offset the rising costs of life. And to be able to live a fruitful and wonderful life.

Just sitting around watching the dandelions grow is not my idea of a fun, retired life. I would be willing to wager that 80%+ of other seniors would agree.

To help you keep pace with the “young runs,” I am providing you with 10 side hustles for senior citizens.

Side Hustle #1: Freelance Writing

Since I am a copywriter, I had to put this at the top of the list. Believe me, if you have any writing skills, you are needed desperately. Just to give you an idea, I work full time writing and I make a great income.

There are a variety of websites you can use as a medium to get started. You may want to create an account at:

> Upwork

> Textbrokers

and many others

Just search for online writing jobs. You could even start your own website that promotes your writing services. Another great thing to do is reach out to people you know who are editors or writers and see if they have any side gigs you could help them with.

Side Hustle #2: Blogging

As a senior citizen, you have many experiences that you can share with the world. One of the ways you can do that is by purchasing a domain and hosting. You then start a blog in any niche area that you have experience with.

But how do you make money? You put affiliate ads on the blog and if you get real creative, you could sell your digital products.

You could write about your family, life experience, work experience, favorite pastimes, hobbies, or anything else that interests you.

Side Hustle #3: Do Tasks

There is a website where people have discovered they can make a great second income doing tasks. You can earn money by running tasks like getting a gallon of milk for a person who lives nearby, or some tasks involve online research or data entry. The name of the website is TaskRabbit. You can check it out here.

You could also ask your friends and neighbors if they need help with anything. Another option is to be a virtual assistant online.

Side Hustle #4: Tutoring

There are students from 1st to 16th grade who need assistance understanding certain subjects. You may wonder why I said 16th grade… I am counting 4 years of college.

You can simply run an ad in your local newspaper, and I would wager your phone will begin ringing from parents and students looking for a dependable tutor.

Side Hustle #5: Be A Referee Or An Umpire

Nearly every community has some kind of sports league running. Be it school sports, softball leagues, or even beach volleyball leagues, these all need officials to ensure that the game is played fair.

You can get paid cash with each game you officiate. It may require taking a class or 2, but people are making a great second income by officiating sporting events.

Side Hustle #6: Open An eBay Store

If you have a knack for “wheeling and dealing,” you may find that opening and managing an eBay store is the perfect side hustle.

You can purchase items from auctions, garage sales or even great sale items from retail outlets. Mark them up and list them on your online eBay store. You can even buy items on eBay and resell them on eBay for a nice profit.

Side Hustle #7: Publish eBooks

In this era of digital reading… Kindle, Nook, Etc…

Anyone can be an author and earn royalties by just writing and publishing eBooks. Tell the world about your life, and your experiences or train them in something you have ample knowledge about.

Side Hustle #8: Pets

If you have a love for dogs, cats and other forms of pets, there is a huge call for people to contract walking or grooming services. Go walk Rover or groom Frisky and earn good cash doing so. You could also do pet sitting, which can be fun and profitable.

Side Hustle #9: Music Lessons

Do you play an instrument?

> Piano

> Guitar

> Drums

> Cello

> Etc…

Maybe you are a great singer? There are people ready to pay you to teach them how to play an instrument or sing. Just run an ad and stand by as the phone begins ringing.

Side Hustle #10: Sell Photo Images

Do you love taking photographs? You do know that many people are searching daily for images to use on their websites and in other places. They are willing to pay to use these images.

There are many websites where you can download your images, put a price on them and people will pay to use or purchase your image. You will just pay a small percentage to the site.

Some of the sites you may consider are:

> Shutterstock

> Fotolia

> iStockPhoto


Maybe that pension is a little lower than your bills. And we all know that Social Security is difficult to survive on.

It makes good sense to pick up a side hustle. While there are many other side hustles for senior citizens, I found these to be the top 10 ideas.

What do you think? Do you have any questions? What type of side gig do you have? You can post any comments below. Thank you for stopping by and be sure to share this with all your senior friends and family.

About the Author: Greg Boudonck is a full-time freelance writer as well as a published author. While Greg does not consider himself a senior citizen, he is coming close but would not disclose his actual age. He tends to tell fibs – No Greg, you cannot be 24. It is not possible. If you would like to see the books Greg has authored, just visit his Amazon profile page here.

Jason Ruth

My team and I are constantly searching for more ways to help others make money on the side. Our mission is to search for the most effective and reliable opportunities. Then, we take it one step further and show you how to make that part-time income replace your current job.

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